huh so fucking malas nak bace buku utk penilaian.
i cant read, cause im buta hurup
semalam tak boleh tidur
so buatlah bende bukan bukan :P
patutnye overdose lagilah sleeeeeeepy kan?
tapi memang sangat sleepy plus tired time exam tadi
tak boleh fikir dgn waras langsung haha
aha y im so feelin high semacam ni..hahaha
sekarang ni tengah rajin pulak bace older posts
paling seronok bace ni .yeah. this one
seronok la bace hahaha
jomlah bace same :D :PP
haaaaa yana yana :(
pensil tekan kuning hilanggg
dah 6 tahun dahh
pulanglaaaaaaaaaaah wahai pensil.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
If at first you don't succeed; call it version 1.0
waaa this song makes me cry
it touches my heart
crycrycryyyaiaiaiaiaii wuuwuu :P
waaa this song makes me cry
it touches my heart
crycrycryyyaiaiaiaiaii wuuwuu :P
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
watch me make u hate me
What is your favorite letter?
F! i like F . hahaha
Does your house have wood floors?
Have you watched the movie Paranormal Activity?
not yet lah. nak tgk :(
Is their any piercings that you want to get done?
belly percing wohoo :P
Are you a fan of myspace?
myspace? whats that?? :PP
Could you go two days with out eating?
noooo uu noooooo
Do you get nervous when going on a airplane?
tersangat hahaha
Do you like your middle name?
i hate my name in any position and condition :O
What is your favorite number?
Has anyone ever told you that you can sing?
Have you ever been depressed?
hmm yeaahaa :P
What made you take this survey?
i dunno lah haha
What's your favorite time of day?
morning --- 8 am mcm tu :D
Do you prefer to be called by a nickname or your real name?
real name
Do you believe in love at first sight or is all fake?
what is love at first sight??
Are you a virgin?
Whats the farthest you'll go on a first date?
haaa taktauuuu :P
Do you know where Waldo is?
yeah ofcourse i knoww
Are you racist?
agak sangat
Have you ever had your heart broken in the past?
heart broken???
ever ever haha
Do you ever find yourself daydreaming?
Do you know anyone with the name Emily?
yesss ,so????????????
Have you done anything you regret in the past month?
too many maaa
Is this a good year so far?
Who's the last person you called?
Without naming names, describe the last person you texted:
Do you have any phobias?
dah takde dah haha
Is there anyone you'd like to kiss right now?
Have you ever made a fake myspace?
yeahh! hahaha buduh
F! i like F . hahaha
Does your house have wood floors?
Have you watched the movie Paranormal Activity?
not yet lah. nak tgk :(
Is their any piercings that you want to get done?
belly percing wohoo :P
Are you a fan of myspace?
myspace? whats that?? :PP
Could you go two days with out eating?
noooo uu noooooo
Do you get nervous when going on a airplane?
tersangat hahaha
Do you like your middle name?
i hate my name in any position and condition :O
What is your favorite number?
Has anyone ever told you that you can sing?
Have you ever been depressed?
hmm yeaahaa :P
What made you take this survey?
i dunno lah haha
What's your favorite time of day?
morning --- 8 am mcm tu :D
Do you prefer to be called by a nickname or your real name?
real name
Do you believe in love at first sight or is all fake?
what is love at first sight??
Are you a virgin?
Whats the farthest you'll go on a first date?
haaa taktauuuu :P
Do you know where Waldo is?
yeah ofcourse i knoww
Are you racist?
agak sangat
Have you ever had your heart broken in the past?
heart broken???
ever ever haha
Do you ever find yourself daydreaming?
Do you know anyone with the name Emily?
yesss ,so????????????
Have you done anything you regret in the past month?
too many maaa
Is this a good year so far?
Who's the last person you called?
Without naming names, describe the last person you texted:
Do you have any phobias?
dah takde dah haha
Is there anyone you'd like to kiss right now?
Have you ever made a fake myspace?
yeahh! hahaha buduh
Saturday, February 6, 2010
none blaser haha
Today prefect and cikgu2 SEMESTA melawat SAB ! and im so excited sebab yang datang melawat tu semuaahnya yang aku paling kenal! my batch :) excitedddd nak jumpe and know what(sure u do heee) I used to be prefect semesta hahaha(ye la yang datang tu prefects). so bertambahtambah la excitednye (bapaks over.pahal tah nk lebih2) seronok sangat dapat jumpe yana,fiqa,adie,yaya,dyra,mira and so on :) bertahun sudah tak jumpe . emm and and and lagi, :P tak sangke cikgu semesta still remember me,hahah of course! macam mane boleh tak ingat insan yang telah menggemparkan alam semesta suatu ketika dahulu.BAHAHA (bajet gile) sangattt happy jmpe dorang. :)
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
A letter for me :D
Hah! ni yang paling tak tahan! terharusssiot.. haaa thx aina,thx sima,thx everyone yang ade kaitan dengan surat ni,
ni haa nak reply balik,harap2 Aina andd simaa bace la . raserase macam tak,tapi nak buat mcm mne lg (malas nk post surat la) facebook ke ape jadah ke korang tak minat la pulak. surat perlu dibalas style surat la nmpaknye hehe :D

Dear you, :P
Aina! hahahaha :P kangen sama kamo jugaa ;) ikhlas sangatttttt :) how can I forget ur face huh? comel lote mek kelate hehe thx sangat ingat kat alyaa ni ha,may god bless u :PP umm thx la dulu kat dorm selalu bagi food kat alyaa , tak boleh lupe ituuu heheeee
Pasal sekola dapat SBT tu, tak dinafikan lagi mmg alyaa lah pembawa tuahnyaaa!hahaha :PP tengokla dulu alyaa kat semesta, musy siap dapat house of the year lagi :P tp congrats jgk kat semesta,yela alyaa klua je terus dapat kluster ,tuah alyaa jgk tu :P
oh alyaa dah ade pengganti eh. sedihnye lahaii, kirim salam jelah kat die :P baik yee,wowww :P mmg takkan same la dgn alyaaaaa yang kunon mafiaaaaaaaaa ni hahahha
hmm skrg ni alyaa dengan. yeah masih sama tiada yg lainnnya *_* ahaa kak ika! sangat ingat..kuat daya ingatan kan,macam taktau pulak :P yeke die selalu ckp begitu? agak2nye mesti smpai mengigau kan? hehehehehe, kirim slm kat die eh :D (nak kirim hadiah belum birthday lagi kan? )
sorry sangat tak dpt contact selalu, tade medium kan. internet wujod pun still mcm susah, korang pulak tak bwk phone pegi asrama. but thx sgt call hari tuuu :D appreciate it so much !!! nak call sane mmg tak dpt la kan, yela, bukan ke sane public phone tak prnah la kosong kan?haha :D
AHA sempat bagi nasihat eh, amboiii :P anyway thanks aaaaa lot :) and thanksss lagi for the wishes ! :D haaa salam sayang balik!! :DD jutaaaaaan terima kasih lagi sbb sudi tulis surat kat alyaa, kreatif tak hengatttt, tapi lyrics as border is ma idea!!!! copyright reserved! (bajet tp benar hehe ) but ainaaa…so sweeet….. :D (ma idea brkembang dgn pesat nmpaknye) :PP
****SIMA! memang kuat sangat mencapub .tau la cun melecun hehe,knpe la korang suke tnye aku ingat lagi ke tak kat korang, sure la ingat! aku belum nyanyok lagi ah :P
thxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx sima :)) miss u too :)
....terimakasih sangat for everything,tak sangke ade orang ingat kat aku dari jauh sana, bahassa saintifiknye ulu raub :P seriously terharu and soo thankful ..
hmmmm..rase ayat aku kat atas atas ni gedik geleman kan. hahah pedulik hape aku ^O^ ni la post aku yg paling bersemangat sekali hahaha ^,^
ni haa nak reply balik,harap2 Aina andd simaa bace la . raserase macam tak,tapi nak buat mcm mne lg (malas nk post surat la) facebook ke ape jadah ke korang tak minat la pulak. surat perlu dibalas style surat la nmpaknye hehe :D

Dear you, :P
Aina! hahahaha :P kangen sama kamo jugaa ;) ikhlas sangatttttt :) how can I forget ur face huh? comel lote mek kelate hehe thx sangat ingat kat alyaa ni ha,may god bless u :PP umm thx la dulu kat dorm selalu bagi food kat alyaa , tak boleh lupe ituuu heheeee
Pasal sekola dapat SBT tu, tak dinafikan lagi mmg alyaa lah pembawa tuahnyaaa!hahaha :PP tengokla dulu alyaa kat semesta, musy siap dapat house of the year lagi :P tp congrats jgk kat semesta,yela alyaa klua je terus dapat kluster ,tuah alyaa jgk tu :P
oh alyaa dah ade pengganti eh. sedihnye lahaii, kirim salam jelah kat die :P baik yee,wowww :P mmg takkan same la dgn alyaaaaa yang kunon mafiaaaaaaaaa ni hahahha
hmm skrg ni alyaa dengan. yeah masih sama tiada yg lainnnya *_* ahaa kak ika! sangat ingat..kuat daya ingatan kan,macam taktau pulak :P yeke die selalu ckp begitu? agak2nye mesti smpai mengigau kan? hehehehehe, kirim slm kat die eh :D (nak kirim hadiah belum birthday lagi kan? )
sorry sangat tak dpt contact selalu, tade medium kan. internet wujod pun still mcm susah, korang pulak tak bwk phone pegi asrama. but thx sgt call hari tuuu :D appreciate it so much !!! nak call sane mmg tak dpt la kan, yela, bukan ke sane public phone tak prnah la kosong kan?haha :D
AHA sempat bagi nasihat eh, amboiii :P anyway thanks aaaaa lot :) and thanksss lagi for the wishes ! :D haaa salam sayang balik!! :DD jutaaaaaan terima kasih lagi sbb sudi tulis surat kat alyaa, kreatif tak hengatttt, tapi lyrics as border is ma idea!!!! copyright reserved! (bajet tp benar hehe ) but ainaaa…so sweeet….. :D (ma idea brkembang dgn pesat nmpaknye) :PP
****SIMA! memang kuat sangat mencapub .tau la cun melecun hehe,knpe la korang suke tnye aku ingat lagi ke tak kat korang, sure la ingat! aku belum nyanyok lagi ah :P
thxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx sima :)) miss u too :)
....terimakasih sangat for everything,tak sangke ade orang ingat kat aku dari jauh sana, bahassa saintifiknye ulu raub :P seriously terharu and soo thankful ..
hmmmm..rase ayat aku kat atas atas ni gedik geleman kan. hahah pedulik hape aku ^O^ ni la post aku yg paling bersemangat sekali hahaha ^,^
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