hey tiyya or whoever they're callin you currently,,. this terowong's name is terowong genting sempah laa. i cant believe tht you,, dont know this terowong's name! you said you cintakan but you , dontknow its name, huhaha. wha eva . but yes dear, i really miss this terowong .wahahaha. I'm hoping that one day we can take a lot of pictures at the terowong babe. ( betul2 kat tengah-tengah hole tuh .aha)
i like this . tiyya said in her blog :
"everytime kalo lalu terowong tuh dule rse x cited siot! nk smpai umah dah~!;DDD,,tapi lately rse sedeh,,rse cam prsaan dlu tuh da blalu pergi ,,know how hard it is?oh god! damly miss ya lyaa ,,hari tuh i sit sblh nurul ,my busmate da ta de kat phg,,she's on her own. kadang2 rse jauh sgt ngn dye,,hope one day dpt rse lg prsaan sonok sgt lalu trowong tuh ,espcially prsaan nek bas satu beach last yer.. ahhah. .n then kalo nk blek phg blek mesti tnye lyaa .,da smpai trowong?smpai trowong kasi taw! hahah~ miss thut moment ,first day this yer sgt2 nanges on de way g phg tuh. but try cover coz ta maw sis nmpak .hahah . rse sedeh sgt coz lyaa ta de but gratefully now i can get over it sme2 ushe ye lyaa! maybe u got ur own world now but knowing u is one the best thing in my life satu hari nnti hopefully sgt dpt tgkp gmbr kat trowong tuh dgn kwn2, dgn alyaa:)))xsgke kan, pelek betol i'm a big fan of thut trowong! hahaha .can i put a sign 'this is yana's terowong dude!' hahah. everybody have their own memories and theese are mine. "
my comment :
well, thanks for spending some time to write something very diabetes-sugar. :))
ak tules dgn penoh tulus ikhlas neh
ouh nme trowong tuh
blom knl lebey rpat
lalu je slalu
love u lya
thx tooo cause spending time cari gmba trowong tuh
hahahalalala :)
yeye susa ma cri gmba tuh
-aku nk blk umh je
-msti nmpak trowong tu
-xrndu pon
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