Where did you meet the last person you were in a car with?
-umm,in front of ma house
Where were you at 10:30pm last night?
-ma bedroomm
Besides this survey, what are you doing right now?
-playingggg :D
Will you be up before 7am tomorrow?
Did you kiss anyone today?
Would you like to put last night on repeat and live it forever?
bukan best pun!
What's the best thing that happened to you today?
-nothingg :|
How old do you think you'll be when you have kids?
-i dont knowwwwwww
Do you think you'll be married in 5 years?
Are you waiting for something?
mane ni??
What do you wear to bed?
-ape yg patut
Do you like the song "So What" by Pink?
When was the last time you hugged a member of the opposite sex?
-tahtah :P
Can you easily touch your toes?
-yeahh, easy peasyy
Do you take walks when your mad?
-no, mmm..maybe?
Who were you with last night?
-rioo ?
Were you happy when you woke up today?
-tahh, takde perasaan
Would you be happy if you married the last person you kissed?
- yeah (:
If you could change your eye color, would you?
-hmm,dilemma :P
What are you listening to at the moment?
Who did you last get in a big argument with?
- ibuu qah3
When will your next kiss be?
Have you ever dated someone named Taylor?
Do you have more than one best friend?
What were you doing at 8am this morning?
-still sleepinggg
Do you like to have long hair or short hair?
Would you prefer a baby boy or girl?
-entah! boykot! :P
What was the weather like today?
-entah,tak kluar lagi :PP
Do you want a different hair style?
-yeahh,bosan sudah dgn messyhair ini
What was the last thing you hid?
-"the conversation" kakakah
Have you ever been in a physical fight?
What did you do this afternoon?
-noondreamin :P
When was the last time you were truly sad?
What kind of mood are you in at the moment?
What's making you be in that mood?
-the way i am ?
For the most part, do you like your life?
-currently..yes :)
Where did your last hug take place?
-umm,heavenhahha :PP
Do you like the band Boys Like Girls?
-tak rse nye
What does the first text in your inbox say?
-malas lah nk bce!
Who's it from?
-sebok je !
Do you have a secret crush on this person?
Are you going to see the movie Twilight?
What color is your cell phone?
Do you have any step-parents?
Do you think guys that wear Hollister are hot?
-indian-hot! ehhhhh
Could you count the number of people youve kissed in your life on one hand?
Do you text or call more?
jimatcermatt HEHE
Is Friday your favorite day of the week?
-yeaa! betul!
Do you like the TV show George Lopez?
How did you get your last bruise?
-ive no idea
What's the last thing you searched for on Google?
Are you taller than your mom?
Paste the last thing you copied:
dah hilang!
Have your ever done cheerleading/gymnastics/dance?
Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
Have your parents ever caught you drinking?
-no,im gooddddd
Have you ever been to Los Angeles?
-not yett ,hehe
Did you pass Algebra in school?
-pass kot
Are you and your latest ex still friends?
-still friends? wtdoya mean?
What was the last song you sung out loud?
-we'll never know
*& this is the wayy
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