Theres nothing much to say bout my so called 1.0 school- semesta, and im not good in writing :(
omg harap sangat my english(essay) spm will be ok ^,^~
(duh tetibe je)
ya allah! and hey please pray for me :*
haha. actually there are so many things to say lah! but i really dont know how to write it down..
kenapa 1.0?
i didnt failed tau, though my last exam there i failed at getting the top1 :( haha padanlah muka!
ok, sebelum masuk ke semesta,
i was basically observing the school's website...and macam dah 2 tahun tak update -.-
tak lupa untuk menggoogle gambar sekolah tu, haih. macam dah search 'ladang kelapa sawit'
gambar kelas semua hitam putih..wujud lagi ke tak sekolah ni?
BUTT i didnt care, i was very excited! i love hostel life!! -based on what i saw, my sister had a great life kat mrsm. sampai kalau boleh takmau balik rumah... nak jugak ^_^
and yeah, at the moment i saw the school for the veghi firsst time,i fell in...and speechless. omg nak balik! kenapa besar sangat? and ..lapang? Pokok macam tak berape nak ada, rumput pulak semua kuning?
why? :P
First day at school was awesome :) and the next day, next two month ,third month, fifth...and the next year! haha! till now i dont know what the actual reason that force me to shift school walalala haha.. i know la...i wuz juz fuckin kiddin you!
first year was ok, no homesicknessss, ibu ayah pun tak pernah melawat pun ^,^ hebat.
second year wasnt bad, tapi macam agak2 kadang2 sekali sekala selalu ter homesick...ftw.. but still, ibu ayah memang tak lawat sangat. sebab homesick? too many problems. 0,O ahaha
Ok dah taktau nk cakapa. haha,
ni sedikit nk share my 2008th journal/diary. walao!
sebenarnya satu buku ni dah pernah dibaca, sebab selalu tertinggal dlm kelas :(

alyaaaaaa: D haha
i am dying laughing while reading this post : P
haiyakkk.rindu lah!
it's really brings back memories ouhhh :D
ingt takk kita panggil buku lipat" tuh buku hiduup ?
haha : D aku ade bnyk kat umah neh haaa.drpde f2 kumpul : P
inpiring by alyaa syhairah. haha:p
btw,rindu tgok tulisan kau(:
and tulisn ak wt*,buruk gilaa. haha XD
alyaa! thnku fr posting this(:
we all done wif school,but i can nver stop missing the highschool moments! time f2 kita selalu rehat sma" kan.ye lah,dah kau tblemate akuu:P hehe and selalu naek bus blek kl grenti kau dok sblah aku D
ouh,btw, srry tercmmnt pnjg sgt pulakkk:P i miss u alyaa syahirah zainal abu(:
aku mmg nak nangis sangat bila terjumpa buku hidup kitaaaa :(
haha ;p
kluar semesta je dah takde buku hidup
sebab bkn ade ape nak tulis
ape nak beli masa outing
or mengaruttt2
sbb selalu yg mengarut dlm buku aku kau je :p
tulisan aku masa f3 mcm tulisan kau
lepastu makin cakar ayam
lama2 buruk terus!
i misssss u :(
hahaha XD weh,tulisan aku maken lame maken lawa.dah tak mcm yg dalam buku kau tuh dah .hhe(:
aku still wat buku hidup smpai f5 duhh(: haha .tapi dah ta de fashion yg lipat" tuh dah lah.aku pkai bukuterusss. ahahaa(:
kesian plak tulisan kau jadi mcm aku time f3. haha *tapi tulisan aku ta de lah buruk sangattt*
haha(: hei,harituh nurul nasuha tiru tulisan kau, time f2 jadi gilee duhhh! *ttbe tringat* kau ingt lagi takk nurul? haha(:
and again, i miss you !
ingat lah wehhhhh!
nurul nasuha..zuhal kan?
akakaka :p
haha.bgus".kuat ingatan kau neh ye
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