Hey anyone...haha
i have something to show you!

OK this is my spm result, alhamdulillah i got straight a's :_) and saya masih tidak percaya arghhh!
few days before the result i keep convincing myself, how hard i studied, how i have tried my best just to avoid myself from crying. i had very stressful days, blergh i have no confidence at all because of my attitude and all.
i was like, to get what i want or what i expect or whatever.
mmm yaloh my trial was bad, from the first class kene turun class. i felt so rough n stupid. haa :(
but my family and friends semua mcm confident je aku akan dapat cemerlang, i know what i du ok people, i know! jangan nak pandai2 confident pulak! (marah) hahaha
because of everyone was expecting something too high from me, i have to pray to god, always doa and pray and doa.
So dear friends, never stop praying to Allah :)
never stop praying(:
congrates lya : D
aku tahu dah bnyk kali aku ckp ceiythh : p
hahaha kenape kau suka jauhkan mate dengan mulut? (Smiley kau)
aku dah terbiasa buat kat dlm text msj haha :D (okay,aku dekatkan)
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